



Mark Lovatt
Chair of Trustees

Mark is an experienced school leader working in a range of positions including Deputy Head Teacher, Director of Teaching School and Head Teacher. He has a national reputation for teaching and learning and designed the OPTIC learning model that Endeavour Trust schools follow. Mark is Chair of the Trust’s School Improvement Committee.

Ken Fraser
Vice Chair of Trustees

Ken is an experienced educational leader having worked as both a Principal and Executive Principal at Macmillan Academy. Ken has worked as a National Leader of Education (NLE), was Secretary of the Independent Academies Association and has served as a Trustee of Schools North East.

Gareth Attwood

Gareth is a retired Managing Director and Project Director. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Chemical Engineering and has worked on many global production processes. He has supported schools in the implementation of ICT systems and procedures and currently works in schools as a STEM Ambassador.

Tony Wentworth

Tony is a Solicitor at Jacksons Law Firm where he is also a Partner and Management Board Member. He provides support and advice to the Trust in relation to legal issues including constitutional, contractual, Company Secretarial, property, legislative and employment matters. AA

Father Glyn Holland

Glyn is the Vicar of All Saint’s Church in Middlesbrough and has considerable involvement in community initiatives and major regeneration projects, including being Chair of the Middlesbrough Town Centre Company. Glyn is a very experienced school governor and has been Chair of Governors in two Middlesbrough Primary Schools.

Phil Latham
Chief Executive/Accounting Office

Phil has worked in education for 24 years. He was Principal of Macmillan Academy for 10 years and is currently the Chief Executive of Endeavour Academies. Phil holds a National Professional Qualification for both headship (NPQH) and executive leadership (NPQEL). He is a National Leader of Education (NLE) and currently sits on the Strategic School Improvement Board for Middlesbrough and on the advisory board for Schools North East.

Julie Flaws

Julie is the Director of Finance and Commercial Development at Teesside University where she has responsibility for all aspects of financial planning and management. Julie has considerable financial experience in both the private and education sector and sits on the Trust’s Finance and Audit Committee.

Chris Wain

Chris retired in August 2020 after 22 years as Head Teacher of Pallister Park Primary School. During that time she became CEO of the Our Children First MAT, and was the director of the MSTA (Middlesbrough Schools Teaching Alliance). Chris also undertook the role of NLE (National Leader of Education). Chris spent her 44 years in teaching in a range of Middlesbrough schools, and is committed to achieving the best education for every child in the area. Chris was awarded an OBE for services to education in 2019.


Endeavour Trust Board – Meeting Attendance 2024/25
Endeavour Trust Board – Meeting Attendance 2023/24
Endeavour Trust Board – Meeting Attendance 2022/23
Endeavour Trust Board – Registers of Business Interests